Why is it so important that we Stop Dark Money in Arizona?

Illustration from Adam Ziglis of the Buffalo News

Illustration from Adam Ziglis of the Buffalo News

What is Dark Money?

Prop 211, a bipartisan initiative, aims to eliminate dark money in Arizona. Dark money is political spending on election advertising by anonymous sources. It is called “Dark Money” because we cannot see who is sponsoring the messages in political ads. Whereas Dark Money sources are hidden and the amounts they can spend are unlimited, ordinary citizens’ contributions to a candidate's campaign are capped and their names and addresses must be disclosed publicly. Under current Arizona law, a few dark money power brokers get special treatment, the rules that all the rest of us must follow don’t apply to them. These well-funded organizations and individuals exert a major influence in elections by spending money on advertisements and promotions supporting their candidate or ballot proposition. This “Dark Money” spending is frequently used to bombard the voters with negative ads, misleading information, and even outright lies. At Stop Dark Money, we are supporting a ballot initiative that, if placed on the 2022 ballot and passed by Arizona voters, would require ALL major contributors to clearly identify themselves if they invest more than $5,000 in support of a campaign or a candidate.


There are two key reasons why this is critically important:

1. Understanding the intent behind advertising statements

When we read the news, study data or even just talk to someone, we carefully consider the credibility of our source. Information from a source with an obvious bias is weighed in that context. For example, health advice from a doctor might be considered more credible than car buying advice from a car salesman. By understanding who the speaker or writer is, as well as what interest they have in persuading us, allows us to better understand why they are sending us a message and determine whether we should trust it. The decision is ours how to evaluate a source, but first we have to know who that source is. Dark Money hides the source and prevents voters from making an informed decision.

2. Reputation

We all know that when people are accountable for their words and actions they adhere to a higher standard of veracity. Negative political attacks based on false accusations are far less likely when an organization has to answer questions from supporters, opponents and the press about them. If the source is hidden, it is never held accountable for false attacks or misstatements. 


“For my part, I do not look forward to a society which, thanks to the Supreme Court, campaigns anonymously... hidden from public scrutiny and protected from the accountability of criticism. This does not resemble the Home of the Brave.”

Antonin Scalia
Supreme Court Justice

Does intent or concern about reputational harm even matter anymore?

It matters a great deal. In Arizona, voters not only elect politicians but also vote on Ballot Propositions that subsequently become law. We vote on Corporation Commissioners that have huge sway over what we pay for water, natural gas and electric power. We can vote by referendum to veto legislation we disagree with.  Current Arizona law allows anonymous sources to spend unlimited amounts of money to sway our vote. 

In most of these cases, the ballot itself has limited information about an issue being voted upon and none about candidates- opinions are formed through advertising campaigns and related media coverage.  

By understanding intent and holding organizations accountable for the messages they promote, Arizonans can have cleaner elections and a better functioning democracy.


How can we Stop Dark Money?

Our goal is to end Dark Money by passing a ballot initiative requiring disclosure of the original source of political expenditures in excess of $5,000. If we are successful in gathering enough valid signatures, the people of Arizona will vote on the initiative in the 2022 General Election. We need 237,645 valid signatures to get on the 2022 ballot.


If Stop Dark Money gets on the ballot, can it pass?

Yes, it is highly likely to pass. When polled, Arizonans overwhelmingly support ending Dark Money spending. Recent polls have shown the initiative to be 80-85% favorable in Arizona, with broad support from Republicans, Democrats and Independent voters.  


So, what’s Stop Dark Money’s angle?

None. Stop Dark Money is a non-partisan, citizen led effort to make Arizona’s elections cleaner and Arizona’s flavor of democracy better. There are no benefits to special interests or affluent individuals. We have pulled together support from citizens of like mind, who see the threat to our democracy posed by dark money in elections and want to help make a difference.


What’s the bottom line?

Stopping Dark Money is a really good idea that has broad support from the citizens of Arizona. It is not complex nor is it divisive. Supporting Stop Dark Money makes sense and passing this initiative will make Arizona a better place to live.